Article 1)
Sometimes people are not able do certain things that they need to do on their own.
They are physically or mentally disabled.
They may be unable to walk, see, hear or think fast.
Persons with disabilities are unable to do some things at home and outside because of a loss they suffer at birth or afterwards.
Article 2)
The rights in this convention are for all persons with disabilities.
It doesn’t make a difference if they are women, men, old, young, white, black, urban, rural, poor or rich.
Their birthplace, their language, their ideas don’t matter.
Persons with disabilities cannot be discriminated against.
It is enough to be a person with a disability to have the rights explained here.
This is how this convention defines the rights of persons with disabilities.
And it expects everyone to recognize them in the same way.
Article 3)
Persons with disabilities are individuals worthy of dignity and respect in the same way as anyone else.
The most important right that they have is to be treated with respect.
Persons with disabilities, no matter what the reason of the disability is, have the right to have a good life.
They have the right to have as decent a life as their non-disabled peers.
Article 4)
Persons with disabilities have the right to get married and choose their spouses.
They vote in general and local elections.
They have the right to run in elections.
In some cases, there may be restrictions.
Article 5)
All necessary measures are taken so that persons with disabilities can become self-sufficient.
They have the right to have access to support services so that they can live without depending on others.
Article 6)
Instruments and prostheses are developed so that persons with disabilities can do things on their own without needing help from others.
Special health services are provided for persons with disabilities.
Persons with disabilities have the right to life. They have the right to freely participate all activities.
They have the right to meet other members of society and be friends with them.
They have the right to go to school, the movies and the theatre.
They have the right to have access to support vehicles and services in order to carry out these activities.
Leaving the house should be made easier for persons with disabilities.
Ramps are built at the entrances of public buildings, schools, cinemas so that persons with disabilities can easily enter using their wheelchairs. Elevators are installed inside buildings.
Streets, public transportation vehicles, traffic lights are organized to serve for persons with disabilities as well.
Pavements, pedestrian crossings, pedestrian areas, parks are organized in a way that persons with disabilities can use them too.
Sports facilities are provided for people with disabilities.
Audio libraries are set up for visually impaired persons.
Article 7)
Work places are arranged so that persons with disabilities can join working life.
They are provided professional and vocational training in the fields that they can work.
They are provided special education opportunities so that they can contribute to society with their artistic talents.
They are encouraged to enrich society with their knowledge and ideas.
Persons with disabilities have the right to education and get a profession.
They have the right to be trained for an occupation or a profession.
Persons with disabilities have the right to work where they can use their talents.
They have the right to set up their own businesses.
The necessities of persons with disabilities that don’t work or don’t have an income are fulfilled. They have the right to care and treatment.
Article 8)
States pay attention to special needs of persons with disabilities when they make plans about the future of society.
Article 9)
Persons with disabilities have the right to live with their families and relatives.
They have the right to join fun and creative activities together with their families.
In some cases, a person with disability may be away from their family.
They may stay at a care center.
Whether a person with disability stays with their parents or at a care center, their justifiable demands are met.
If they stay at a care center, they should be together with their peers (people of the same age).
The care center should be close to their living environment.
Article 10)
All authorities treat persons with disabilities with respect.
They don’t let others mistreat persons with disabilities.
They don’t let others degrade persons with disabilities.
They don’t let others treat persons with disabilities differently.
Article 11)
Persons with disabilities have the right to be protected from those who want to take away their property.
Persons with disabilities and their property are protected.
Article 12)
States set up institutions for persons with disabilities.
These institutions hear the opinions of persons with disabilities and try to improve their rights accordingly.
Article 13)
All persons with disabilities have the right to know the rights explained in this convention.
These rights should be known by their families and the society.
Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - December 9, 1975
*All rights reserved by Güven Tunç. Cannot be reproduced without permission.
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