Elderly people's rights, explained to children


Principle of Independence:

All older people are independent human beings with dignity.
They have an income of their own for housing, nutrition, and clothing, or going to a doctor or hospital when they are sick.
They are supported by the society and their families to meet these needs.
If our grandmothers and grandfathers don’t have an income of their own, the state gives them a monthly salary.
Older persons can work to earn an income if they want to.
They can engage in income-generating activities.
Proper work conditions are created for older persons who want to work.
Older persons’ opinions are asked and respected while making laws about retirement.
Older persons have the right to get education and training in line with their ages and wishes.
Older persons have the right to live in an environment that they like and feel safe in.
Our grandfathers and grandmothers are given opportunities to improve themselves whenever they want.
Older persons are provided with:
Parks where they can spend time,
Clubs where they can read their newspapers, play chess, make handicrafts,
Green pedestrians’ ways where they can walk,
Day centers where they can engage in activities,
Healthcare centers at accessible distances.

Principle of Participation:

Grandmothers and grandfathers cannot be severed from the society because they got old.
The state and urban administrators ask older persons what they want.
Older persons’ opinions are important and should be heeded.
Grandmothers and grandfathers are very knowledgeable.
They have lots of life experience.
They know the world very well.
They know life very well.
Creating an environment where they can share all their knowledge and abilities with young people helps improve the society.
Grandmothers and grandfathers are very useful to society.
They contribute to society voluntarily.
They can help children with their schoolwork, they can offer guidance to young people, and they can be volunteers to protect pedestrian areas and parks.
They can organize trips and fun activities for children.
They can organize and rehearse for a spectacle.
They can write their memoirs.
They can share their professional knowledge and experience with society.
They can freely express their thoughts.

Principle of Care:

Grandmothers and grandfathers have the right to be loved, respected and protected by their families and the wider society.
State and society show respect towards older persons and support them to have a good life.
They support them in protecting their health.
If they get sick, they get proper care.
Sometimes grandfathers and grandmothers get very old.
It may be impossible to care for them at home.
The state and urban administrators open care centers for very old person.
They make sure that they are well cared for and protected at care centers.
Older people get to decide whether to live in their own house or at the care centers.
If possible, older persons who live alone at home are provided with warm meals, dependable nurses and caretakers.
Laws say that older persons should be respected and cared for in safe places.

Principle of Self-Fulfillment:

Old age is an opportunity to do things that a person did not have the chance to before.
Grandfathers and grandmother can engage in activities like drawing, painting, making sculptures, model planes, stamp collections etc.
They can grow tomatoes or flowers.
They can take dancing lessons or do choir work.
They can go to other cities or countries, sightsee and write on what they see there.
They can write their memoirs.
They can develop themselves.
The state helps older persons develop themselves. It offers courses and services.
Older persons have the right to take part in trainings, cultural and artistic activities, exhibitions, concerts.
Their participation to such activities is facilitated.
They are offered free tickets or discounts.
Their transportation is facilitated.
Exhibitions, concerts and shows are organized in their own neighborhoods, so that they can get there more easily.

Principle of Respect and Dignity:

Our grandmothers and grandfathers have the right to be respected and live in safety.
We don’t allow them to be hurt by bad people; necessary measures are taken.
They get equal treatment in healthcare or care centers.
They get equal treatment regardless of whether they are women, men, white, black, poor or rich.
Older persons are people worthy of dignity and respect, in the same way as any other human being.
Authorities respect older persons.
Rich or poor, all older persons have the right to have their basic needs met, like:



And get health and care services worthy of human dignity.

United Nations Principles for Older Persons – October 1, 1982

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