Article 1)
*I am a child.
*Every human being is a child until the age of 18.
The rights of children are inalienable.
Article 2)
*Children’s rights are for all children.
*It doesn’t make any difference if you are a white child,
a black child, a girl or a boy.
*Our birthplace, our language doesn’t matter.
*All children are equal in exercising these rights.
*We cannot be discriminated against just
because our parents’ beliefs or opinions are different.
To have these rights, it is enough to be a child.
Article 3)
*States first and foremost consider children’s interests
in making any law or taking any action.
*If adults cannot fulfil their responsibilities
against us, the state takes care of children
and protects them.
*They make sure that we grow up healthily, safely and
Article 4)
*States and authorities do their best to make sure that
children fully enjoy their rights.
*All countries cooperate to make sure that
we use all of our rights.
Article 5)
*No one interferes with our parents as long as raise us
true to our rights and help us flourish.
Article 6)
*Protecting children’s lives is everyone’s primary duty.
*To live and to flourish are our basic rights.
Article 7)
*Every child is given a name when s/he is born.
*The state records this name and gives the child an
identity card.
*The child is now a citizen of that state.
Article 8)
*No one can take away our name.
*No one can take away our civic rights.
*Our family ties are protected.
*These cannot be taken away and cannot be changed.
*If someone wants to take these away,
all states stand in their way.
Article 9)
*No one can take a child away from his/her family.
*But sometimes the parents may be
unable to take care of the child.
In this case, the child may be in harm’s way.
*Another form of care is provided so that
the child does not suffer any harm.
*he child may see his/her parents on a regular
basis throughout this other form of care.
Article 10)
*Sometimes the parents and the children
may be compelled to live in different countries.
*Every effort is made to facilitate these children’s
reunion with their parents.
Article 11)
*Children cannot be taken to other countries outside
the knowledge of their parents.
*People who want to take children to other countries
outside the knowledge of their parents are prosecuted.
Article 12)
*Our opinion is sought on any issue relevant to
*All authorities lend a keen ear to us.
*They strive to make sure we can freely express
our feelings and thoughts.
*If we are very young, an adult can speak on
our behalf.
Article 13)
*We can express our wishes and opinions by talking,
writing or drawing.
*In exercising our rights in this field,
we too make sure we don’t hurt other people.
Article 14)
*Our right to develop ideas and choose a religion is
*Adults who raise us, have the right to guide us
on this issue.
*The right of adults to this end is also respected.
Article 15)
*We can gather with our friends peacefully.
*We can set up organizations.
*We can be members of the organizations
already established.
Article 16)
*Children are human beings worthy of dignity
and respect.
*No one can degrade children.
*No one can humiliate children.
*No one can interfere with domicile or the private
lives of children.
*These rights are protected by law.
Article 17)
*We are encouraged to use newspapers,
radio and TV programs intended to make us
more knowledgeable as we grow up.
*The state makes sure that children’s
books are printed and all children are able
to access these books.
Article 18)
*Our parents have the primary
responsibility for raising us.
*In some cases, other adults
who take over the task of our parents are responsible
for raising us.
*The state makes it easier
for them to fulfill this duty
in the best way that they can.
*If our parents have to go to work,
kindergartens, nurseries and
children’s clubs are set up to keep us safe.
*All children are provided access to these services.
Article 19)
*Adults responsible for raising us will not
use these rights in ways that may harm us.
*They will not treat children badly.
*They will not touch the child in ways
that the child does not want.
The state takes all kinds of measures to prevent
children from being harmed this way.
Article 20)
*Children can sometimes be deprived of their
*Some family environments are not good
for children.
*In such cases, children have the right
to get special protection and help from the state.
*The state fulfils this duty by placing
the child with an appropriate family or in an
institution that will be his/her new home.
Article 21)
*Good families are found for the children
that cannot stay together with their parents so that
they are not deprived of the chance to have a family.
*A meticulous investigation is carried out for this job.
Article 22)
*If children have to go to another country,
that country too protects and helps the children.
If children are separated from their parents who are
in different countries, states try to reunite them.
Article 23)
*Children with disabilities are specially protected.
*The state sets up necessary institutions to help
children with disabilities to for care,
proper education and employment in the future.
*It offers facilities for recreation and
*It makes sure that they join society as
honorable and productive individuals.
*States join forces to make children
with disabilities as self-sufficient individuals
with dignity and the capacity to effectively
take part in social life.
Article 24)
*Our health and protection from disease are guaranteed
by the state and society.
*Therefore attention is paid to our nutrition,
vaccination, the environment’s cleanliness and
the protection of the nature.
*If we get ill, we get proper medical treatment.
Article 25)
*The situation of children living in children’s homes,
dormitories, nurseries and treatment centers are
kept under ongoing scrutiny.
Article 26)
*All children are under the protective
umbrella of the society to make sure that their health,
education, nutrition and sheltering needs are met.
Article 27)
*Our parents or those responsible for taking
care of us offer us a good life.
*The families that have trouble offering a good life
to their children get help for nutrition,
sheltering and clothing.
Article 28)
*Education is every child’s right.
We are encouraged to get uninterrupted education.
Primary education is free for everyone.
It is compulsory for girls and boys alike.
Our schools respect children’s rights.
Article 29)
*Our schools develop our talents,
intelligence and abilities.
*It teaches us to respect human rights.
*Our school teaches us:
to protect the environment.
Article 30)
*We children have the right to benefit from and
use the life experiences of our ancestors.
Article 31)
*Playgrounds, libraries, children’s theatres,
sports facilities, art centers are set up so that
we can spend our free time, play and have fun.
*All children are encouraged to take
part in such activities.
*We all have the right to make use of them.
Article 32)
*We are children.
*We cannot work like the adults.
*We go to school, play games.
*If we must work, the job we will take should
not hinder our education, hurt our health,
or give us bad habits.
Article 33)
*Children are protected from harmful substances.
*Those who produce them and
give them to children are punished.
Article 34)
*Our bodies belong to us.
*No approach that may give us physical or
psychological damage are allowed.
Article 35)
*All states fight against bad people
who try to kidnap children or treat children badly.
*It protects children from bad people.
Article 36)
*States cooperate against people
who want to use children for their own interests.
Article 37)
*No child can be punished by inhumane methods
or by humiliation.
*If a child acts against the law, s/he is
rehabilitated in special care institutions.
Article 38)
*It is bad for people to kill each other.
*War is people killing each other.
*Children must be protected from war.
*Children under the age of fifteen are not enlisted
to military service.
Article 39)
*If a child has been harmed in any way,
the state takes all necessary actions
to get the child physically
and psychologically healthy again.
*It makes sure that the child gets back in society
with self-esteem and dignity.
Article 40)
*Children don’t know what crime is.
*They do not hurt anybody knowingly and willfully.
*If a child is thought to have violated the law,
s/he is treated with due protection for all of his/her
Article 41)
*The laws of a country are not changed
if they are in line with children’s rights.
*If they are not in line with children’s rights,
the laws that are in line with children’s
rights are used.
Article 42)
*Children and adults alike must know children’s rights.
*The state makes effort to teach children their rights.
Article 43)
*States form ‘Children’s Rights Committees’ to make
sure that children can fully use their rights.
Article 44)
*Each country sets up its
‘Children’s Rights Committees’.
*‘Children’s Rights Committees” monitors
the way the children in that country use their rights.
*It writes reports for children’s rights.
*It reveals any shortcomings in that
country over the use of children’s rights.
*This report is both published in that country
and sent to the United Nations.
Article 45)
*United Nations watches children’s rights in all
*It makes sure that countries cooperate to make
it possible for children to fully use their rights.
*United Nations Declaration of the Rights
of the Child – November 20 1989
*All rights reserved by Güven Tunç.
Cannot be reproduced without permission. ©
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